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Frequently asked questions

Find the answers you are looking for by browsing through a number of questions we get asked a lot.

At what stage is Cuprum Coin currently?

On May 1, 2024, Cuprum Coin announced a completely new improved ECO system and the formed Meteor Minerals group in a new Whitepaper. Currently, the team in cooperation with the new MM partner CLS Global is in negotiations with crypto exchanges for a secondary listing.

Has Cuprum Coin performed the migration to BNB Chain??

On August 2, 2023, Cuprum Coin announced the launch of the migration and most users have migrated their old CUC Tezos coins to the new CUC BEP-20 token.

What if I didn’t complete the migration?

From August 2, 2023, to March 1, 2024, the Cuprum Coin team sent all users 12 emails asking for the immediate implementation of the migration. Also, our team warned on the official website and social networks, as well as in our Telegram channel, that there is a possibility of losing your CUC tokens if you do not perform the migration. Although the deadline for implementation was set at 60 days, we extended it to 210 days. If you are one of those rare users who did not take us seriously, contact our support via email.

Can we buy new CUC BEP20 tokens before market launch via OTC deal and what is the price?

New CUC can be purchased through our customer support, exclusively via email: support@cuprumcoin.com. The price for 1 CUC is 10.00 USDT.

Where will I get CUC tokens if I buy them and is there a lock up period?

CUC tokens will be sent to your Metamask wallet, BNB Chain, after your deposit. There is no lock up period.

I didn’t find an answer to my question?

Please contact our customer support via email: support@cuprumcoin.com